Protecting Your Business From Random Disasters
January 10th, 2019 by admin
You'll never know when or how a disaster will strike. It could be a power outage frying your systems, or even an earthquake destroying your server room, or something as simple as a human-caused error. It doesn't matter what form it takes, disaster will strike, and when it does, your data will be destroyed. The only way to protect your data is with our Business Continuity Service.
With our service, you will have an Onsite and Offsite Data Backup to ensure the protection of your data regardless of what happens. Your data will be automatically and securely backed up to both of the data backups simultaneously. This system will allow you to avoid the hassle and maintenance of other more outdated backup plans. It also allows you to quickly recover from any data loss, either over the Internet from the offsite location or restoring up to 30 generations from the onsite backup.
You may never know when disaster strikes, but you can always be prepared for when it does. With Voice Smart Networks' fast and efficient Business Continuity Service, no disaster will keep you down.
Give us a call to get started on your data backup planPosted in: Services