Voiceware by Phonesuite Has the Solutions You Need for Hospitality
June 11th, 2018 by admin

Say goodbye to the days of only expensive, large luxury hotels having top-of-the-line phone systems. If you are in the hospitality/lodging business and you're looking for a way to upgrade your phone systems and functionality without a huge price tag, then you need to take a closer look at Voiceware by Phonesuite, and Voice Smart Networks is here to help you do it!
Voiceware is a telephone system solution that is made by hoteliers for hoteliers so you know that it is going to have all of the features you need and want for your guests as well as your staff. For a better guest experience, Voiceware offers professional wake-up call and automatically on/off waiting lights for voicemail. Plus, it has the ability to prioritize emergency 911 calls and notify the front desk of which room needs help. For your guests' convenience you can program the phone numbers to the nearest take-out restaurants that your hotel has a relationship with to give your guests easy dinner solutions.
Your front desk staff will love Voiceware too thanks to it's easy-to-use interface that requires minimal training to get started! Staff can activate/deactivate phones with ease as guests check in and out. They can get easy PDF print outs of phone bills per room and even easily monitor which guests answered their morning wake-up calls. There is so much more that Voiceware can do and you won't even need to change a single phone in a single room. Contact Voice Smart Network today to get started!
Posted in: Solutions